Tuesday, June 8, 2010

National Constitution Center

Our final destination on Sunday was to the National Constitution Center located right near Independence Hall in the heart of Old City.  This institution is dedicated to showing the history of our country's most sacred document.

When you enter, you're given a time that you'll attend a show called "Freedom Rising" that demonstrates how we came from being a small British colony to the world power we are today.  This is a 17 minute show hosted by a live actor.

After this, you can walk into the main gallery area where you walk through the history of our nation, as it pertains to the Constitution and its evolution.  There are many interactive exhibits including one where you can see if you would be eligible to vote depending on what year it was.

They also have a section where a question is posted on the wall that is on the country's mind today, such as "Do you think same-sex couples should be allowed to marry?", "Do you think all Americans should have the right to carry a gun?", "Do you think we should be involved in the wars we are currently in?", and others.  At these questions, you can post your opinion in a post-it note for everyone else to see.

The final area, Signor's Hall, is filled with statues showing all the original signers of the constitution, along with a few dissenters.  I wonder if I would sign it?

Also, please note that the parking at the center has pretty outrageous prices.  There are plenty of other lots in the area for less than half the price of what the Constitution Center wants, so please look elsewhere for parking. On Sundays, parking on the streets is free in Old City, also.

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