Saturday, November 12, 2011

National Liberty Museum

An unassuming museum in Old City Philadelphia is the National Liberty Museum. While unassuming from the outside, inside it's beautiful. The museum explains liberty in many ways, one of methods is through glass work and glass sculptures.

As you head up the main staircase, the museum also has a memorial to those firemen and police that were killed during the 9/11 attacks in New York and DC. If you take the elevator, you'll miss this amazing memorial.

There is also a photo gallery of people who made a difference in peace and good will, many you will recognize, like Bill and Melinda Gates, and many you will not, but they all have amazing stories.

As you work your way through the museum, the second floor looks at violence in children, women, men, at home and more, through pictures, words, and glass. At the end of the exhibit, there are jellybean kids (see above and below), which shows children and everyone visiting, that even though we all look different on the outside, we're all the same, just like jelly beans.

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