Sunday, September 12, 2010

Isaiah Davenport House

This Federal-style house was completed in 1820.  By 1955, neighbors wanted to tear down the structure due to its significant deterioration.  However, a group of women, known as the "Magnificent Seven" raised $22,000 to buy and restore the property.  This was the first of many projects to restore historical homes in Savannah and helped lead the city to where it is today.

Today, you can tour the house for only $8 a person.  We took the tour and found it to be mildly interesting.  You'll learn about the history of the house and see some interesting architecture and furnishings inside.  However, there is no stand-out attraction to the house.  The most significant part of the house is the fact that this was the first historical house in Savannah to be restored and led to the restoration of various other houses.

If you have plenty of time in Savannah, and have an interest in the history of the city, it would be worth visiting.  However, if you only have a limited amount of time in the city, I'd recommend some of the many other attractions reviewed on this blog.

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